Multi Site Energy Management - Large property portfolios are complex for many reasons, not least for their overall management but for energy debt and credit

Multi Site Energy Management
Multi site energy management is a headache for energy managers responsible for large portfolios and also a huge concern for businesses to manage.
Our EaaSi platform can support business with this. The platform is entirely flexible to every shape and size of business, but it’s the large multisite customers that can reap the biggest wins from automated energy management.
EaaSi enables the automation of manual tasks that would usually take people days or weeks to complete into just a few minutes or seconds. It also harnesses robotic process automation utilising the power of machine learning. It adds a new dynamic to energy management and wrap around value for customers and does all of this while bringing the management of energy to life.
Multi Site Energy Management made EaaSi
Although EaaSi can benefit all businesses it’s really the complex, large multi-site portfolio customers where we see the biggest wins moving forward.
At a recent review meeting with one of our larger multi site energy management portfolio clients, they admitted it took five members of staff to process water invoices manually. This, they told us, was a continued struggle to manage the financial position with the supplier and had become a concern at board level.
Now those members of staff can be re-tasked on to other priorities saving our client multiple 10 figure sums. This is all with the added benefit of automated collection and processing of their entire portfolio’s water invoicing and validation into their finance systems in less than one day.
What this will now provide to our client is energy spend certainty, which means the money they spend on their utilities is to the closest pound, validated, checked and into their finance systems before any invoices are paid. A huge financial win!
Both from our point of view and more importantly the customer, it will be interesting to see how the EaaSi platform affects their net cash position on their water spend in the coming months.
What does EaaSi do?
- automatically pulls together end-to-end utility data into a single place, removing the need for human intervention and massively reducing resource requirements for contract management. A HUGE win for business.
- interfaces with accounting packages such as SAP, Sage and major ERP systems. This gives finance departments immediate visibility on energy spend, billing cycles and provides fully automated, wholly transparent bill validation. Another WIN for business.
- creates a digital filing cabinet for all utility data and contract information. It links into supplier’s systems, automatically requests bills and uses machine learning to fill in any gaps.
- offers fully automated bill validation using 120 different checks to ensure bill accuracy against consumption and contractual rates, with any anomalies flagged via an alerts system
- enables accurate budget forecasts, visibility on accruals, bench-marking against market rates for flexible contracts, and simplifies procurement for both end users and suppliers.
- delivers energy and carbon reporting at the touch of a button, drastically reducing administrative burdens.
About Catalyst Commercial Services
Catalyst is a market leading independent energy consultancy that provides energy procurement, sustainability and environmental services. Catalyst is one of the leading providers of utility purchasing and contract negotiation services to the commercial sector. With over 15 years’ experience in this dynamic market, the team of energy market professionals provide a full options appraisal for business utility contract needs.